Commercial Roof Coatings in Illinois

Commercial Roof Coatings in Illinois

Today, Kauffman Roofing in Jamesport, Missouri is here to help you better understand commercial roof coatings so you can be more informed when it comes time for a new application. Because there is such a vast selection of products to choose from, you will want the help of a trusted professional commercial roofing contractor to wade through the mountain of options so that you can choose wisely.

Cold-applied commercial roof coatings are a great tool to keep your roof from deteriorating quickly. But knowing what is out there will help you and your contractor decide what will work best for your unique building. Here is a review of what commercial roof coatings are out there to ensure long-term results.

When to Use Commercial Roof Coatings

  • Use once original roof coating has deteriorated
  • Protection from UV rays
  • Use in conjunction with roof repairs to seal and extend the life of the roof
  • Light-colored coatings, as well as reflective coatings, will lower solar gain
  • Upgrade building’s appearance
  • Increase flame resistance

When Not to Use Commercial Roof Coatings

If the roof leaks and needs a full replacement, a coating will not be a sufficient substitute. Putting a coating on a roof that will not last as long as the coating is ill-advised.

If standing water is present 48 hours after a rainfall, the new coating will deteriorate much faster, flaking and losing adhesion. In this case, it is better to repair or replace the roof before adding a coating.

It will be harder to efficiently apply coatings if there is too much debris, dust, steam, or contaminants present. If the coating cannot adhere sufficiently, it will begin flaking and degrading within a few years or even sooner.

Commercial Coatings

Commercial roof coatings consist of a variety of products. Here is a brief classification to help you understand what it’s all about. Most are classified as either Bituminous or Elastomeric.

Bituminous Coatings

Overall, these are compatible with coal-tar built-up roofs or asphalt roofs and modified bitumen membranes. However, they are often marketed for metal-roof restoration purposes. They include:

  • Aluminum
  • Emulsions
  • Emulsion-Aluminum
  • Restaurants
  • Modified Asphalts
  • Asphalt Cutbacks

Aluminum Coatings

A combination of aluminum paste, oxidized asphalt, and other solvents, they come with or without reinforcing fibers. The content of aluminum measures the varying quality of aluminum coatings. They can have 1/2, 2, or 3 pounds of aluminum paste per gallon. The coating lasts longer the higher the aluminum content. Aluminum coatings are excellent at reducing the temperature of rooftops, reducing premature product aging, reducing cooling loads, and reflecting UV radiation.

Emulsion Coatings

These use asphalt distributed in a colloidal clay-water blend. They typically come in black, brown, or dark gray. They work as protective and maintenance coatings with asphalt built-up or modified bitumen roofs. They are good with increasing fire resistance.

Emulsion-Aluminum Coatings

This is known as a hybrid product. It offers resistance and other filling and sealing properties. Often used for metal roof restoration, they lower the costs by combining the application of an emulsion coating and a reflective surfacing coat.


Restaurants are a combination of bitumen–asphalt or coal-tar–and compatible solvents. They can be fibered or non-fibered. They often function as maintenance/restoration products penetrating, restoring, and weatherproofing existing roofs.

Modified Asphalt Coatings

Asphalt, synthetic rubber polymers, and solvents produce modified asphalt coatings and can have reinforcing fibers. Functioning similarly to non-modified coatings, they have added benefits including the increase of elasticity, cold-weather flexibility, and workability. As they are very effective, they come at a higher price tag.

Asphalt Cutbacks

Asphalt cutbacks are made of asphalt and petroleum solvents. They mostly offer maintenance and restoration as they are designed to penetrate, re-saturate, and refurbish aged and weathered asphalt roofing systems. Reinforcing fibers are optional.

Elastomeric Coatings

Elastomeric coatings comprise an assortment of products. In the commercial coating arena, there are many hybrid products. Yet, new formulations continue to be made and introduced to the market. Elastomeric commercial roof coatings are typically used with either metal roofs or sprayed-in-place polyurethane foam roof systems. They are made from:

  • Neoprene
  • Silicone
  • Urethane
  • Latex/Acrylic
  • Hypalon

Neoprene Coatings

Synthetic rubber polymers make up neoprene coatings, which are black. Because they afford superb elongation and recovery properties, they are often used as a base coat below Hypalon coatings in multi-coat applications.

Silicone and Urethane Coatings

These come as one-component or two-component products. Even though they are costlier than some other elastomeric coatings, they have benefits including heightened resistance to ultraviolet radiation, chemical fallout, heat, roof traffic, and ponding water.

Latex/Acrylic Coatings

These water-based products own the most significant share of the elastomeric coatings market. They more easily comply with increasing regulations for solvent emissions. Fortunately, they offer a low-cost alternative to other more expensive polymer options.

Hypalon Coatings

Hypalon coatings will restore surfaces with single-ply membranes. Their waterproofing and extreme resistance to chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, and fire make them an excellent option to choose when appropriate.


Generally, single-component products are easier to use than two-component products. They avoid the intense mixing requirements, product-specific application factors, and limited pot life that other two-component products involve.

It’s imperative to talk with your roofing contractor to determine the best options for your roof in regards to commercial roof coatings. There is a huge variety of options, so be sure to get professional help determining the absolute best choice for your property.

Here at Kauffman Roofing, we are incredibly dedicated to our clients and take the time and attention necessary to ensure they get just what they need from commercial roof coatings. Our team of dedicated contractors will provide the information and support required to create a lasting commercial roof that fits your needs, budget, and other requirements. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages is a good start to helping you make the right decision. For even more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experts, and we’ll walk you through everything from start to finish.

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